New Product Resep Jadul (TEMPO DOELOE).
Lapis Sby Beras Merah Organik
Beras Merah Organik terbukti bergizi tinggi karena kaya mineral, vitamin A, B complex, kulit arinya mengandung antioksidan dan serat yang tinggi. Pas untuk yang diet, yang alergi tepung trigu dan yang memerlukan snack Gluten Free.
Rasanya ..... Eunuak Poll ..... Lebih Gurih..... Lebih Lengit .... ( Bu Indrawati )
No preservative, No improver and "Halal"
Nice and Healthy Cake You Dream of....
Limited Product.... as Organic Red Rice Flour is home made.
Please order 1 day before.
Promotion Price, Free Delivery Order :
Small 10 x 20 Rp 65.000,--
Med 20 x 20 Rp 130.000,--
Also available Organic Red Rice Sby Layer Cake Almond Walnuts, Raisin, Prunes, Cheese, Cherry.
B Healthy - Sby Layer Cake GFCF Sugar Free for Hyper active Children.
For your good health, the price is affordable.
Healthy is not cheap, sick is absolutely not cheap. (Unknown)
Dare to be different.
1st in Indonesia.